Although Investors expect OPEC to slash production by at least 1.5 million barrels a day, matching the group's cut in October. Which means crude oil price will rise if demand higher but at the same time the demand for crude oil is getting lower and lower as global recession is on going.
Anyway,do try these 2 Petronas credit cards while pumping. I use CIMB Petronas card, it's FREE FOR LIFE with NO ANNUAL FEE,better yet it will reward us with 2% of your total oil consumption and 0.5% on other transaction! 2% doesn't seem much but look at it this way, now as petrol stay at RM1.90,after deduct 2%,it's RM1.862 means that you are having the cheapest oil in town! haha...see the difference? :-)

It is supposed to drop more than that actually
no...i am 99% sure it wont be more than 10 sen. U know lah...malaysia government...cannot say too much...end up in lockap! :-)
Whoa! Good news!
Thanx bro! I really appreciate it.
Anytime...zaim :-)
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